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What I Learned from Frances Ha

 Frances Ha is a pretty simple movie, with everyday conflict. People love her so much. They feel so relate to Frances Ha. So if you have not watched this movie, I will tell you about the plot. 

Frances Halladay is a 27-year-old dancer who lives in New York City with her best friend from college, Sophie. Her life is upended when Sophie tells her she plans to relocate from Brooklyn to Tribeca, which Sophie considers her dream neighborhood. Frances, a struggling would-be dancer working as an apprentice at a dance company, is unable to afford the move and is forced to find someplace else to live.

I do not feel related to Frances Ha problem. She comes to New York, to pursue her dream. She can't afford an apartment, and she is socially awkward. But what I found really interesting is Sophie. Indeed those were also the emotions my brain had been shuffling through while I was watching this. A one and half hour of my life I delightfully spent with Frances and her friends, in her world. They just like 2 people who know they love each other, caught up in the middle of a party, in one moment in a secret world, which exists between them both, which no one else knows but them, like another dimension which is unnoticed or not able to perceive by the public. They have each other to lean on. Sophie can lean on to Frances when she feels not sure about her move to Japan. And I really like how it is so complicated to finish that conflict. Seriously, there's no conflict from external, something that makes it pretty problematic is themself. Frances lying about her life to Sophie. And I don't understand why Frances lied. Frances just through something that really problematic. She doesn't have a place to stay permanently, her friend is gone, and she is in a totally broke condition. Frances is an imperfect character, she is not someone who became zero to hero, her life is like everyone's life, and the ending, nothing really changes and that seems so realistic for me. I just don't know how to describe this movie. It makes me feel a strange gut butterfly feeling. 

My favorite dialogue from Frances Ha

Andy: So what do you do?

Frances: Eh... It's kinda hard to explain.

Andy: Because what you do is complicated?

Frances: Eh... Because I don't really do it.

The time when Frances visit Paris alone inspires me so much. I want to appreciate beautiful things all around the world. I never go out and traveled farther than java to Malang. I just curious about what will I see. Why did people want to travel? What will they found in there? I live with messy habits. I rarely clean my bedroom and I am a very lazy person. I just want to live tidier, I think I need a vacation. Because of covid 19, I forget what sea look like. I forgot about a mountain, I never go by plane. I want to have a journal about traveling. I want to make art by the thing I actually see, not just by the Pinterest picture. I am so curious about what sunshine feels like in a snowfield. I want to know what I will feel when I jump from hill to pool. What it feels when I swim in the ocean, what will I feel when I eat organic food at the dining table up in the sky. I just curious about that experience. I want to have money to travel. I am just want to fulfill my curiosity. I don't need to relax, I just feel curious. I want to go to see the sea, mountain, all of the things that god make it very wonderful. I want to appreciate building architecture, and food culinary of course. I don't know, can I in the future granted that wish? 

What I Learned from Frances Ha What I Learned from Frances Ha Reviewed by Aulia Dewi on 14.02 Rating: 5

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