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Animator: My Goal My Ambition

If you read all my posts in this blog, maybe you will know what I want to do in the future. First, I like to write something. Making a story about a life problem, and my story is already published in two books containing a collection of short stories. But i'm not pretty sure. Because, i like to make story, but don't really like writing something that very long, like a novel.

After the pandemic came to me, I have so much spare time and I don't know what must I do. SO I PLAYED A LOT OF GAME. And I found one game, that very interesting and I think, it's changed my life and what i want to be.

Missed messages- Angela He

 Missed Messages was created by Angela He.  Angela He, is an amazing and talented artist, with everything in-game being made by her.  In Missed Messages, you play as a college-aged girl living in one of her school’s dormitories with her roommate May. So your task is to prevent May from committing to suicide. This game hit home for me and is a very emotional experience (seriously I cried during this game), so missed messages might not be for you if you're not one for the in-depth emotional stuff. 

After play this game, I want to have skill at art like that. I want to make a story that speaks by animation. Because I want to create something that people can easily look and enjoy, something that people can relate and something that encouragement. So that is why I want to be an animator. I already learn how to draw and color by digital. I have a pen Tablet, that Huion H640p, and I use Krita. For now, I always wake up at 4 Am, so I can make animation for three hours in the morning, and then I can go back to study at 7 Am. But the problem is, I must study a lot to have good grades, and I always sleep at midnight. So, I think it's a really bad habit. But I want to pursue my dream, to make animation.

I want to make animation like Vewn, Victoria Vincent.  She makes genius animation about life stuff. In one video, I feel triggered. The title is Dead End. 

Dead End- Victoria Vincent

The main character of the film is the high school psychologist - a seemingly normal person with a stable life and a job. One of the students he works with is a rebellious, depressed emo kid. He talks about his nihilistic outlook on the world. The psychologist doesn’t seem to care about his mental troubles, even mocks them, and instead just focuses on asking the kid about his future and how he plans - or doesn’t plan - to work towards it. The point is that that is the exact thing the psychologist did to himself. He never focused on his mental health and struggles and tried to have what many people would consider a “nice life” - a career and maybe a family and kids. He never knew what made him so unhappy in life. The existential pain wasn’t sharp and targeted, but rather just a dull, never-ending melancholy. He tried to drown it out by playing slot games on the internet.

"he wished his life would change, but he did nothing to make that happen."

Dead End- Victoria Vincent

So I want to do something in my life, to fulfill my satisfaction with life. About my purpose, what I want actually do. And in the future, I want to be a dentist too. Why? Because I know, animator is not considered by a real job, and  I need a stable life, for money dad and my mom is a dentist. And I see, they have a very stable life that can produce comfort for the family. I don't have some interest in medicine, but that is a promising job and in the same direction that my family, all my family did. All my family, from grandmother, uncle, aunt is a doctor.  So I think, in the future, I want to be an animator and dentist. I work as a dentist by shift, and in my spare time, I will make animation for my youtube channel.  So wish me luck. Hope I can make animation while studying medicine.

Missed messages- Angela He

Animator: My Goal My Ambition Animator: My Goal My Ambition Reviewed by Aulia Dewi on 00.38 Rating: 5

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