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Dialogue suggestion and offer

There are Adel and Udel, two freshmen in high school. They walk pass through the school corridor to look over the booth of extracurricular, and suddenly stranger with weird clothes come in front of Adel and Udel

stranger: Hey guys!
Adel: Hello, is there something you need?
Stranger: Oh no-no! Introduce me, I'm from Tiloes Theatre!
Udel: Oh I see. That is theatre club, right?
Stranger: Yes, do you guys have any interest with theatre club?
Adel: Um, I'm not really into that activity. It's kinda too noisy for me. I like something more serious and quiet
stranger: Oh, what a shame. What about you?
Udel: I like theatre! How can I join you guys?
Stranger: Wow, glad to hear that. It's so easy, this is your invitation card for our next meeting. Just come on time and wear the dress code
Udel: ok, thank you
Stranger: See you soon, bye
Adel and Udel: Bye

Adel and Udel leave the corridor. Udel still reads the invitation
Udel: Um, by the way, they said I must wear a costume like Halloween party. I don't know, I don't have any costume to wear
Adel: How about we buy a new costume for you?
Udel: I don't know about that, but  I think my mom will be mad if I spend money on buying a costume
Adel: how about DIY? it will be fun too
Udel: yeah great idea
Adel: should we go to your house today? I will help you to DIY your costume if you like
Udel: sounds fun, Ofcourse I need your help. That's a brilliant idea
Adel: sure, I'm happy if you  are happy

Dialogue suggestion and offer Dialogue suggestion and offer Reviewed by Aulia Dewi on 22.52 Rating: 5

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