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Book Reflection: Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


Today morning, I just scroll youtube and found this interesting video
" The little prince: Book reflection" by Lana Blakely.
It's interesting because I already read that book and I curious about what other people think about that book. That book is about a blonde child that always asks anything that not usually be asked.   By his question, I reflect on some quotes, and this video has a good point about it.
"But eyes are blind, you have to look with the heart"

First, I don't really understand. Is it about don't judge people by its cover? It's not that deep. I mean, I always hear something like that, and I don't pay much attention to that statement. But, it's not about judging appearance.

 Lana Blakely says,  "You create the meaning of things. The flower can be either just flower or it can be an entire world.  A lunch box with friends can be either The most boring thing or it can be fun and meaningful. All depending on how you choose to see it. There is a reason why people become miserable and greedy. We want more and more and we become collectors without appreciating the value of what we have collected. Because, we don't stop and look. We are too busy collecting."

So, I think she's right. 16 years old and I preoccupied with mundane things. Without know, why. I don't know but after I watch this video, I become so clueless about anything.

Book Reflection: Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Book Reflection: Le Petit Prince by  Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Reviewed by Aulia Dewi on 03.27 Rating: 5

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