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Brush Teeth Theory

Hi guys, I just found this channel by mistake, and that is the best mistake that I have ever done. Created by a talented girl, she can make her own animation/cartoon
 It's inspired me. I think I can make one too, like that. After I do all my homework, I will make my project little by little.

Oh, by the way, before the school holiday, I always complain because I think I don't have enough time to make another thing besides my homework, but that's wrong. I can make it.

I heard a theory about this. In our life, we have brush teeth activity, right? no matter how busy we are, we will definitely brush our teeth. we can make our hobby becomes a habit, like a habit of brushing teeth. we will never leave it.

By the way, sorry for   my bad English. I just want to write this quickly to remind myself in the future. thank you

Brush Teeth Theory Brush Teeth Theory Reviewed by Aulia Dewi on 05.51 Rating: 5

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