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the poor man and a dog

The poor man and a dog

Once upon a time, there was a poor man who lived together with his wife. They did’nt have anything for food, they just have one pig and five children.

 So the woman said to her husband  “Listen my husband, let’s go to the pig, you take the pork belly to the town and sell it. And I will cook a fine meal for the children. “

So they slaughtered a pig and sell it to the town. He walked over hill and dale until suddenly a dog sprang out of a ditch and started snapping at his heel. The dog bark loudly.

“What’s that you say little dog?” ask the man

The dog bark again

“you say you want to buy the pig fat. Well, I will sell it to you but will you pay for it?”

The dog bark again

“you must pay for it in three weeks from now, that’s a long time, but I am a poor man, so I know what it is to do without money.”

The poor man gave the pork belly to the dog.
When the poor man arrived home, his wife was waiting for him at the gate

“dear husband, did you bring home any money?” ask the woman

“no, I have not brought home any money.” Said the poor man

“blessed lord, what have you done with the pig fat?” Ask the wife

“pig fat? I sold it , to the dog”

“oh, blessed lord, how can you have been such a fool as to give the pig fat to a dog.”

“he told me he would pay for it in three weeks from now.” Said the poor man

“oh, dear husband tell me, how did you speak with a dog?”

“quite easily, I asked questions, he would answer.”

“dear husband, you are a fool,”

And from then, the woman teased and taunted a husband calling him a fool and a half wig. But the man really was a little thick in the head and he paid her no mind.
The three weeks soon passed, and the poor man went to met the dog.  When he reached the spot where he had forst seen the dog, the little mongrel left out of the ditch, he wagged his tail and barked to the man. 

“so little dog, here we are, I have come for the money,”

The little dog started to dig until the barrel of money rolled out the dirt. The man was overcome with joy. So the, he took the little barrel under his arm and set off proudly swaggering home. Once inside, he dubbed the countless coins on the table.
After that, the man and his wife discuss all the thing they would buy, and happily ever after.

source:Hungarian folktale youtube channel with the same title , i cut the story.

1. what are the synonyms of belly?
2. why was the poor man mocked by his wife?
3. how long does the poor man have to wait for the money?
4. what the dog bought from the poor man?
5.  how did the poor man speak with a dog?

live sentences

“What’s that you say little dog?” ask the man
“you say you want to buy the pig fat. Well, I will sell it to you but will you pay for it?”

“so little dog, here we are, I have come for the money,”

“dear husband, did you bring home any money?” ask the woman

“no, I have not brought home any money.” Said the poor man

“blessed lord, what have you done with the pig fat?” Ask the wife

“pig fat? I sold it , to the dog”

“oh, blessed lord, how can you have been such a fool as to give the pig fat to a dog.”

“he told me he would pay for it in three weeks from now.” Said the poor man

“oh, dear husband tell me, how did you speak with a dog?”

“quite easily, I asked questions, he would answer.”

“dear husband, you are a fool,”
the poor man and a dog the poor man and a dog Reviewed by Aulia Dewi on 09.22 Rating: 5

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