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Inggit Garnasih

Who Is she?

Do you know who is the person in the photo?
Yes, Inggit Garnasih.
Born on 17 February 1888, she is not just a second wife of our first president, but she is a woman that very loyal to her husband. In this world, every house have it housewife, and the greatest one is Inggit Garnasih. 
She is the greatest housewife that I have ever know
She was born with the name Garnasih only. 
Garnasih is an abbreviation of the unity of the word Hegar Asih, where Hegar means refreshing and
 Asih means compassion. The word Inggit which then accompanies in front of his name comes from 
the amount of seringgit money. It is said that little Garnasih became a figure loved by her friends. 
Similarly, when he became a girl, she was the prettiest girl among her friends. Among them circulated
 the words, "Getting a smile from Garnasih is like getting a quick money." Many young people love her.
 The feeling of love is given in the form of money which is on an average amount. That was the
 beginning of the young term Inggit which later became his first name. 

When she was a teenager, Inggit was a beautiful girl in her village. Many men want to be approved.
 She was once proposed by Nata Atmaja, the governor of the Priangan Resident Office. However, 
this marriage did not last long under the divorce ends. Later, she remarried Haji Sanusi, a businessman
 who was also active in Sarekat Islam. Their marriage was fine but could not be said to be 'happy'
 because he was often left because he was busy. Until then came Sukarno. At that time, Sukarno had
 a wife, Siti Oetari. However, his love for Oetari is more like love for sibling. Sukarno finally divorced
 Oetari, as well as Inggit who officially parted ways with Sanusi. 
Loyal Woman
Inggit had accompanied Soekarno when he was educated at the Bandung Institute of Technology. 
Therefore he must work hard in such a way as to meet the necessities of life for both. A variety of 
ways he did to be able to meet the daily needs with her husband ranging from sewing clothes,
 selling braids, powder, cigarettes, herbal medicine, to become a small soap agent.

Graduating from school in 1926 did make Inggit so happy because Sukarno's success also meant the
 fruit of his success in accompanying her husband faithfully. Even so, Inggit's struggle had not ended
 because the title of engineer Soekarno had won was not used to get a job from the Dutch. Instead, 
he continued to be active in the political field and founded the Indonesian National Union (PNI). 
With the steps taken by Sukarno, a husband and wife must still live in poverty.

Even so, this does not make Inggit look away. She continued to fully support her husband until PNI
 was growing rapidly. As a faithful wife and truly loves her husband, he always encourages when 
Sukarno encounters difficulties and always provides for Sukarno's needs so he can continue to struggle.
 He also patiently accompanied and translated Soekarno's speech into Sundanese.

at one time, 
after I had delivered him to the gate of what he had dreamed of,
we separated, because I was holding on to something that collided with his wishes. 
He continued his struggle
as I still pray. 
I never stop praying for him"
-Inggit Garnasih

In prison

PNI, who was large and aggressive, made worry the Dutch. So Soekarno was finally arrested  4 years in prison. He had to stay in Banceuy Prison for 8 months before being transferred to Sukamiskin Prison

Inggit still be patience to visit and send food to her husband.  Distance that must be taken is 20 km. If Inggit doesn't have enough money to pay a Delman, Inggit has to walk to meet her imprisoned husband. All kinds of things were done by Inggit to alleviate Soekarno's burden, starting from smuggling books Soekarno wanted or giving some money in food. To smuggle books, Inggit had to fast for three days so he could hide the books in his stomach.

Sadness to see her husband who felt depressed always managed to hold him. He did not show distress or disappointment before his husband. Even when her husband felt sad because he felt like a failure as the head of the household, Inggit calmed his heart.
In his sentence also, Inggit bravely smuggled documents as material to prepare a defense. This Inggit effort also finally made Soekano successfully write his famous defense, "Indonesia Sues".

in the end.
Inggit's loyalty to accompany Soekarno's life for 20 years of hard life did not stop Soekarno from being captivated by Fatmawati's beauty. Soekarno asked for permission to marry Fatmawati because Inggit could not give him children. Even so, Soekarno actually did not want to divorce Inggit and wanted to remarry but still with Inggit as his first wife. However, this is where Inggit finally had to give up Soekarno.

"Inggit Garnasih is modest, caring, loyal, woman, so that's the reason why i choose her. Someday when i became housewife, i wan't to be like her"
  •  photo;google,  

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Inggit Garnasih Inggit Garnasih Reviewed by Aulia Dewi on 16.38 Rating: 5

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